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Universal Plug and Play

Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) allows a device to auto-connect to your network and other devices. Are you trading control for convenience?

MFA Work Arounds

Human errors can help hackers get around your MFA. These 4 habits can strengthen your MFA instead of helping the bad guys.

Choosing a Wi-Fi Router

Your Wi-Fi router is the entry point to your network. Consider five key points that will affect which device is right for you.

Vulnerability Scanners

Vulnerability scanners search for security gaps within 15 minutes of the vulnerability being make public. You can reduce your risk.

Keeping Smart Devices Safer

Much of our daily lives is now touched by smart devices. So how do we make using them both convenient and safe?

Keeping Your Site Safer

WordPress is used to create, publish, and manage web content for 43% of all websites. How can you increase your site’s security?

How to Update Your Phone

Updating your mobile phone installs security patches that make it harder for bad guys to take advantage of your phone. How do you do it?

Blog Byte: Facebook Phishing

A huge phishing campaign is hitting Facebook and Messenger. Have you gotten a message from your friend that links to a sign in page?

Emotet as a Credit Card Stealer

A well-known malware has resurfaced as a credit card stealer. Protect yourself by taking a few extra seconds at checkout.

Traveling Cyber Safe

Many people travel around this time of year for conferences or vacations. What can you do to keep cyber safe while you’re away?
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